Stop People from Dropping Out

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Recently someone asked a question on Facebook as to why doctors thought patients dropout of care?

It is a great question and 75 docs took the time to answer it.

Those answers are scrolling in the background and you can read them if you so desire.

The truth is it wouldn’t have mattered if 10,000 Docs answered the question. The answers would basically all be the same and pretty much all would be wrong.

If any of these answers were truly the reason patients dropout you would think they would be able to fix the problem.

The Functional Health Management Score.  Feel free to try it yourself.  Click here.

However, since they are pretty much all the wrong reasons, the problem never gets fixed and worse the so called experts keep selling solutions to fix the wrong problem and unfortunately Docs keep buying these pretty much useless solutions.

And, if you are one of those Docs who claim they never lose patients, best of luck to you, and please contact me directly. I didn’t know there were clinics in Never-Never Land.

The reason people quit care is the same reason people don’t save for retirement, don’t exercise or eat right even though the research and evidence on diet and exercise is overwhelming, and the same reason they never stick to their yearly resolutions.

It is the same reason that Table Talk and using research of the benefits of chiropractic care do not work to get people to continue care except in a very small percentage of patients and never will.

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People are only motivated by what is visible to them. They don’t save for retirement because the future is not visible to them and no matter how much you tell them that they need to save for retirement they do not see where they will be in 30 or 40 years.

They cannot stick to a diet because seeing that chocolate sundae staring them in the face is visible where the end result of changing their dietary habits is invisible to them.

The same goes for exercise and everything else in their life. They are only motivated by what is visible to them and you are trying to sell them something invisible to them. Like their health!

This is why 90% of your patients no matter how much your website tries to promote wellness or the posts on Facebook about how great chiropractic is, have no value and why this profession goes deeper and deeper into selling back pain and neck pain and headaches, etc.

Pain is visible to people and it is what motivates them to come to see you in the first place. Worse and I am being sarcastic here, is you make the big mistake of taking what is visible to them — their pain and making it invisible because you do such a great job.

Now you try instead to sell them something that is invisible — the value of continued care. Good luck with that!

So how do you get people to continue care? You make the invisible visible to them. It’s that simple.

There is only one way that I know to do that if used properly. The Functional Health Management Score (FHMS). It makes the invisible visible. It’s that simple!

If you are already subscribed to the FHMS make sure you are using it correctly. If you are not subscribed you need to ask yourself why?

If you are not already a Functional Health Management Score and would like to subscribe, click here.