Make Every Event A Home Run
Here’s how to turn every event into Lifetime patients and clients.
Here’s how to turn every event into Lifetime patients and clients.
In this must listen, follow up to our first Podcast Deep Dive Review of the Functional Health Management Score from the lay person patient and client perspective, our hosts, are tackling just how to change pain patients and clients to Lifelong patients and clients right on the first visit.
In this must listen, first Podcast Deep Dive Review of the Functional Health Management Score from the lay person patient and client perspective, our hosts, our tackling something…
Group think is the most powerful way to build a Passion Brand and almost none of you are using it.
The bad news is, almost all of you are performing re-evaluations that are not only hurting your business but will most likely get you into trouble.
If you are looking to really build your practice you must get existing patients and clients to commit to Lifetime care and this is the only way to do it.
If you ever plan to build Lifetime patients and clients this is the only way!
Without doing this, Social Media will never bring you patients or clients
You must wrap your arms around why patient and client expectations always lead to patients and clients quitting.
The most successful thought leaders are jumping all in on the need for the Functional Health Management Score to create Lifetime patients.