Functional Health Management Score Training

The Complete Functional Health Management Score Training

This is the only tool that will convert pain patients and clients to
Lifetime patients and clients that we know of and we will prove it to you!


Realize that there is no actual webinar to attend.
All those who sign-up will receive the training.
It is highly recommended that all current users
of the FHMS sign up for the training below


Current offices using the Functional Health Management Score

 Those practitioners who want  Lifetime patients and clients

Scroll down to register and we will send you the training


During this event you will learn:


  1. HOW TO use the FHMS to fill up your practice with new patients and clients motivated to work with you.

  2. HOW TO convert your new patients and clients from pain and symptom patients and clients to health and wellness patients and clients.

  3. HOW TO stop the high rate of patient and client dropouts.

  4. HOW TO get your patients and clients to reactivate themselves.

  5. HOW TO easily get people on Social Media to want to come and see you.

  6. WHY Table Talk or citing research rarely works to convert patients and and clients to Lifetime care.

  7. WHY you have been branded as a pain specialist and how to take advantage of that.

  8. WHY your technique and how you practice has little to no effect on getting new patients and clients and only matters to you.

Complete this form and we will send you the training.  There is no event to attend.  Everyone that completes the below form will receive the training.  Make sure you add your questions to the bottom of the form so we can answer your questions during the event.



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