Consumer Confidence May Have Killed Your Care Plans

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This week has driven yet another nail in the coffin of your care plans, Consumer Confidence. 

With an Aggregate Inflation Index since January 2020 of 26.43 percent, this past week’s US Consumer Sentiment Index has even those patients that could afford your care to be worried.

With headlines like Consumer sentiment slumping in March to the lowest since 2022, consumers, your patients are becoming sharply more worried about the economic outlook.

How worried? Not only are your patients worried about worsening inflation, but they are now seeing unemployment starting to rise sharply and this makes them even more nervous.

There is a solution.  Watch the video above.

Now every FHMS Subscriber gets a one on one with me, Dr. Alan and I wave my usual $450.00 fee.  Make sure you use my Calendly link to schedule your session!

Where does chiropractic fit into RFK Jr’s Make America Health Again agenda?  See Part 1 here!  See part 2 here!

Link to “Are you missing the Big Picture?”

In case you missed our webinar click here to watch it now.

So what does a form that builds Lifetime Patients look like?

1. First the form must change the patient’s expectation from pain to function .  If it doesn’t to that, as soon as as the pain is gone so are they. And no, Table Talk won’t change that in 90% of your patients.

 2. It must make them realize that being symptom free has nothing to do with function, and that most health issue are functional problems.  

3. It must make them realize that becoming more functional requires lots of time in fact it is a life-long journey.

If you missed our video on the  The Science Behind the Functional Health Management Score, it is a much watch if you seriously want to build Lifetime Patients and clients.

If you missed our video on All the Referrals You Want, you want to watch it because it is a game changer.

There is a list of the must watch videos you have to watch on the right side of this page if you are serious about Lifetime patients and clients.  Check them out.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to learn the science you need to.  Just click the below image.

FHMSTraining-Lifetime Thumb

The Functional Health Management Score.  Feel free to try it yourself.  Click here.

If you are not already a Functional Health Management Score and would like to subscribe,  click here.